Thursday, October 11, 2012

ATR Meetings To Be Held At the UFT

To all members going to these meetings ask:

What protections do ATRs and ACRs have in the contract?

If ATRs and ACRs are not in the contract, what rights to we have?

If ATRs and ACRs are not protected under the contract, can investigators meet them without the UFT Rep in the room?

Can ATRs and ACRS be observed? 

How can performance reviews be used to punish educators brought to 3020-a for incompetence, when the Courts (NY Supreme and Appellate Division) have ruled that there are no facts in observations? (Elentuck v Green)

and stuff like that.

Betsy Combier

From: "Amy Arundell, UFT Special Representative" ;
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 18:49:32 -0400
Subject: Informational meetings for ATRs

Dear colleagues,

The union is holding a series of informational meetings at borough
offices this fall for teachers, guidance counselors and social workers
in excess. These meetings were organized to answer your questions
about your rights and responsibilities as members serving in the ATR

All meetings will be held from 4-6 p.m. You will meet your borough
representative, district representatives and other borough staff who
are there to support you.

The meeting dates, locations and participants are as follows:

 Tuesday, Oct. 16, Staten Island Borough Office, for teachers,
guidance counselors and social workers
 Wednesday, Oct. 24, Bronx Borough Office, for teachers, guidance
counselors and social workers
 Thursday, Oct. 25, Brooklyn Borough Office, for teachers ONLY
 Monday, Oct. 29, Brooklyn Borough Office, for guidance counselors and
social workers ONLY
 Thursday, Nov. 1, Manhattan Borough Office, for teachers, guidance
counselors and social workers
 Monday, Nov. 5, Queens Borough Office, for teachers, guidance
counselors and social workers

We welcome your attendance.


Amy Arundell

UFT Special Representative

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