Sunday, October 28, 2012

The National Education Association Pumps Money Into 5 States As The Presidential Race Ends

NEA Makes Last-Minute Money Dump into State Campaigns


The National Education Association hasn’t been stingy with its funding for and against state ballot initiative campaigns, but it took the opportunity to make one more infusion of cash into measures in five states where it has a vested interest in the outcome.
* Up to $1.24 million to Idaho, where the union is trying to eliminate new laws on collective bargaining rights and merit pay.
* $900,000 to Michigan, where the union is not only trying to get collective bargaining enshrined in the state constitution, but is also determined to defeat a measure designed to make tax increases more difficult to enact.
* $500,000 to Florida, presumably to defeat an amendment that the union believes wouldopen the door to statewide school vouchers.
* $250,000 to Washington to defeat a charter school initiative.
* $160,000 to South Dakota, where the union wants to derail the enactment of laws on teacher tenure and evaluation.

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