Monday, November 5, 2012

DOE Employees and Sandy Appeal Process

All staff of NYC schools should fill out the Appeal form below and  file asap. Send your stories to, as I am going to write a post about Sandy and NYC teachers in the near future!!

Francesco Portelos is also collecting information:

Hurricane Sandy Aftermath and DOE Appeal

Please see the page that I put up on my site, top menu or this link Hurricane Sandy Appeal for DOE employees, to fill out and share your appeal reasons and decisions.
A few hundred have used it and some are commenting on the reasons. We just want to take a look at which appeals are approved and which are denied. Also comment on your experiences if you did go back to school on Friday November 2nd or the following week.
Please follow @Occupysandy for information on donations and volunteering:
Occupy Sandy

Occupy Sandy


Official Occupy Sandy Relief NYC. Bringing updates on Volunteer Opportunities, Donation drop off locations, and current on the ground updates
New York ·

1 comment:

  1. Betsy,
    I will send you what I collect. I'm curious as to who will be deciding on the appeals and how they will make those decisions.


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