Wednesday, January 30, 2013

EDWIZE: Setting The Record Straight On Teacher Evaluations

Scoring and the Role of Standardized Exams 


Leo Casey

  See also:

Attention NYC Teachers You Have Been Had By Your Union

Leo Casey Responds To NYC Teacher Outcry

(This is the first of two posts on the new teacher evaluations, focusing on the overall 
scoring of the evaluations and the role of standardized exams. The second post will 
take up the question of appeals.)
The 2010 law that established a new framework for the evaluation of New York
educators was a complex piece of legislation, and last week’s agreement to clarify
and refine that law with additional legislation added another layer to that 
 The complexity is unavoidable. It is important to have evaluations based on 
multiple measures of teacher effectiveness, just as it is important to evaluate 
students based onmultiple measures of their learning: more measures and 
more forms of evidence produce more robust, more accurate and fairer 
evaluations. Further, multiple measures allowed New York to avoid placing 
inordinate weight on standardized exams and value-added algorithms, as other 
states have done to very negative consequences. And it was essential that the bulk 
of the evaluations be established locally through collective bargaining, with
the law only providing a general framework. These objectives necessarily led 
to a high level of complexity.
Go to the article for more information about evaluating teacher performance the right way.

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