Saturday, February 9, 2013

Emails Concerning The Hiring of Cathie Black To The NYC DOE Must Be Released

City loses battle to keep e-mails about hiring of failed schools chancellor Cathie Black secret

Last Updated:5:58 AM, February 8, 2013
Cathie Black
  The city was dealt another blow in its attempts to keep secret a series of e-mails surrounding the selection of failed schools chancellor Cathie Black.
The Bloomberg administration was denied its request that the state’s highest court reconsider the ordered release of the information.
Black moved from head of Heart Publishing to head of New York City’s schools for a brief, tumultuous stint before her ouster in April 2011.
Sergio Hernandez, 23, a former reporter for the Village Voice, had tried to get access to e-mails between Black, the mayor and his office, using the state’s Freedom of Information Law in 2010.
Hernandez told The Post he was “gratified” by the most recent decision.
He suspects the e-mails will reveal public-relations strategy over Black’s controversial appointment, given that she had no background in education.
The city said the e-mails were private, and Hernandez turned to the courts for access. Two lower courts ruled in his favor last November.
“We are still reviewing our potential next steps,” a city Law Department spokesman said, adding that releasing a public servant’s e-mails could discourage others from public service.

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