Monday, September 30, 2013

ATR meeting October 3

10/3 2013 at Park Plaza Diner, 220 Cadman Plaza West, one block north of Clark St.,
Brooklyn Heights
5 - 7 pm
Open to all displaced ("excessed") DOE staff being United Federation of Teachers, UFT members, (guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists, Absent Counselor Reserve, ACRs, teachers, librarians, Absent Teacher Reserve, ATRs), regardless of borough.

1 comment:

  1. DOE has targeted u rated ATRs for observation. They are to bring 5 days worth of lesson plans and be placed into a classroom to be observed. There are many ATRs out there the union is doing virtually nothing. This observation scam started yesterday Sept. 30. They are going to change rotation from weekly to monthly to facilitate observations.


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