Sunday, September 22, 2013

Francesco Portelos' 3020-a is on For September 23, 2013

UPDATE 2020:

Francesco Portelos was given a $10,000 fine after being charged with 38 misconduct allegations that showed him to be a harassing embarrassment to the Department of Education. After his hearing was over he formed a mob to threaten anyone who complained about him.

See here:

Editorial: Is Francesco Portelos a Danger to Tenure Law? by Betsy Combier

Francesco Portelos and His "Victim Complex"

EDITORIAL: Cyberstalker Francesco Portelos and His Blame Game Must Be Stopped

Contact me if you are being charged with 3020-a, have had a bad experience with Francesco Portelos, or have been in a "new" rubber room at

Betsy Combier,
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, National Public Voice
Editor, NYC Public Voice
Editor, Inside 3020-a Teacher Trials

Francesco has an open and public hearing, which means that anyone may attend. Here is how to be there:

The hearing takes place at 49 -51 Chambers Street. The entrance to use is 49, right next door to the parking lot (where the crew for Law and Order park, and tape the show).

Go through security - dont bring anything sharp or any recording devices - and take the elevator to the 6th floor. Go through the door straight ahead, take a right and then left. Walk to the end of the long hallway, take a left, and that is where the waiting room is.

sign in, and ask the receptionist for the room number for Arbitrator Busto. Sit down and wait for Francesco.

At or before 10AM, all who are there to attend the hearing will go to the room at which Felice Busto, Attorney Jordana Shenkman, and the transcriptionist from Ubiqus will be setting up. Francesco's Attorney is from NYSUT and his name is Chris Callaghy (picture of him with me taken by David Pakter in 2008 is below). Chris no longer has a beard.

Busto will give directions for the public - no talking, no faces, no taping, etc., and the hearing will begin.

Francesco's Principal, Linda Hill, is being cross-examined by Chris. She testified previously on direct.

There will be a lunch break, and then the hearing will continue possibly until 5PM. Jordana has a right to re-direct, and Chris then may do re-cross.

All members of the public must remain silent but may take notes of any testimony or anything he/she wants.

See you all there!!


1 comment:

  1. Besty, will the hearing continue into tomorrow? If so, I would like to swing by after work.

    I've met Chris Callagy many times and he is a sharp,well-spoken and passionate lawyer. He is probably the best lawyer on the UFT payroll.


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