I think I was given the documents below in 2008 or thereabouts. I received it by asking for any rules for an investigation at the Office of Special Investigations, and an employee there gave me the two pages below. My writing - a question - is at the top right.
Upon my information and belief, no one who works at OSI looks at any guidelines nor follows any.
It's a free-for-all over there!! Each does his/her own thing, whatever that might be.
Remember what Lawrence Scott did.
I was the paralegal in another 3020-a in 2012, when Scott came in and told us that he did an investigation, but he never interviewed the Respondent, saw only the students who would support the charges, and in every way violated all the guidelines listed below.
Yet he worked there until he resigned, Oct. 4, 2013 after admitting to a sexual event with Natalya Sokolson. How much damage did he do while he worked at OSI?
Betsy Combier
Rock on Betsy. Many thanks for your often thankless job of continuing to report the illegal shenanigans perpetuated by the "Gotcha Squad." It's a shame your reports are not publicized more, but we know why they're not...