The Storman case could change everything in terms of the "Gotcha Squad" and the "rubberization" process, defined as the process in which "The Chancellor's Committee" works with Principals and pretend investigators to destroy people who say anything about them, their school(s), or the harm going on perpetrated by administrators gone wild.

Former Deputy Chancellors Andres Alonso (pictured at right) and Marcia Lyles (pictured below) agreed with the "U" as they always do, to support whatever charge is made without witness testimony and/or evidence.

The best way to get an overview of where the case stands right now and the ridiculous antics of the Bloomberg/Klein bunch in the matter of Glenn Storman is to read the Report and Recommendation of District Court Judge Andrew Peck.
Glenn Storman, is a tenured teacher and Guidance Counselor who has worked for the NYC BOE for 28 years. He was accused of corporal punishment and found guilty by the Principal based upon an allegation of student A, who he reprimanded for cursing at his classroom teacher. Student A told classmates that he would "get" Mr. Storman for waving a rolled up piece of paper near his face and telling him to stop [cursing]. A few days later the father met with Principal Marsella and told her that Mr. Storman had "inserted a piece of paper into Student A's mouth for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure". When OSI investigator Dennis Boyles came to the school to "investigate", Student A was not at school that day and was not interviewed. Mr. Storman then sued the New York City Board of Education in federal court for giving him a "U" rating and accusing him of corporal punishment without proof.
Related story:
The "Gotcha Squad" and the New York City Rubber Rooms
Josephine Marsella is pure evil. She will stop at nothing to hurt an employee and ruin their career. I am praying for Mr. Storman in his fight for justice along with all of the reassigned teachers. Godspeed to you.
I had a similar experience with Dennis Boyles, he fabricated my response to a question he never asked of me at the interview with my union rep present. I am willing to testify for Mr. Storman if he needs me to.
Iwork with Glenn and there isn't a nicer and more caring teacher in that school. We will miss you terribly when you retire.
What I want to know is, how much more do the teachers and staff have to put up with Marsella..I mean, enough already. When are the 'powers that be' going to open their eyes. This is NYC man, not some weak rural district...
Ms Marsella is very unprofessional.She yells all the time at staff members and even the kids.She demeans the staff even in front of parents and other office staff.Everyone is scared of her and she abuses her power.the teachers all gave her a good rating on the survey because they were scared of what might happen to them.she should resign or retire.
I agree completely that Marsela is evil and should never been given the role as principal. I was so glad to have my children leave 212 just because of her antics. I hope she goes down hard, it's about time.
Animal, Josephine Marsella must be feeling pretty good since one of MANY teachers she has bullied and abused has died. She was only 38 years old & walked out of P.S. 212 mid school year due to her feeling so sick from the enormous amount of stress caused by a very EVIL, VERY SICK! Extremely STUPID person who is in charge of a school building full of children! UNREAL!!!!!! No one can understand the magnitude of how bad what she does to students & staff is. Pure evil. No other word could quite explain it. I need to understand how can this be allowed. The United States goes above & beyond spending money & time going to other remote countries to stop such cruelty but yet here sick people such as Josephine are paid & given health benefits & a pension for the same actions of a terrorist. CRIMINAL!!!!! In the end it will be between her & God. I don't wish bad on her. I don't have to. That would just create bad karma for me. We can all take pleasure in knowing that God sees and knows everything. For the teacher who passed away she will be in paradise for eternity. For Josephine, for sure the Lord will slam the door in her face as she will be cast down to feel & suffer every single evil thing she has ever done. Over & over & over for all eternity.
Josephine Marsella is the most vicious, rotten person I have ever met. The reasons are too numerous to mention. My only hope is that she gets back what she has done for the purpose of hurting innocent people. Good for you Glenn Storman. I'm proud of you. Thank you for all of us.
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