Hello all teachers who were in the TRCs (Temporary Re-Assignment Centers) in June, 2010, and all people who know that I have tried to help you with problems in New York City public schools!
If you are wondering whether or not I have stopped my advocacy for all of you (as well as any NYC employee who needs help) now that I no longer work for the UFT, the answer is: absolutely not.
I have purchased the domain name "Advocatz" and look forward to helping you with any of your issues, including those of how the UFT never returns your telephone calls and/or says "there is nothing I can do". There is ALWAYS something that can be done, and I will be glad to look at all options with anyone, to resolve any problem. The best way to start is by emailing me at betsy.combier@gmail.com.
By the way, dont believe for a second that I have any confidentiality agreement in place. On these pages look forward to hearing about the UFT, NYSUT, and the Board/Department of Education, and who does what to whom. I was lucky enough to be a reporter of the "rubberization" process for the past seven (7) years, and the last three years as a staff member of the UFT, which allowed me to enter and make contact with all the people inside the NYC "Rubber Rooms". No one has the information that I have on the massive violations of rights that made the rubber rooms what they were, how this process started, and how it has been altered - NOT ended!And I continue to never mention any member's name unless he/she wants me to (this is NOT the case for UFT, NYSUT or NYC BOE staff and or management).
In fact, my concerns about the new settlement agreement (April 15, 2010) convinced the UFT (Mike Mulgrew and Ellie Engler) that I had to be let go. But I will not be silent. Far from it. On these pages and on my website Parentadvocates.org you will see what has happened now with your due process rights as you try to defend your tenured (or non-tenured) positions.
More about this later.
Keep me in touch with your situation, so I can help you and continue to put a stop to harassment and abuse of anyone by anyone, ever.
Betsy Combier
A close-up look at NYC education policy, politics,and the people who have been, are now, or will be affected by these actions and programs. ATR CONNECT assists individuals who suddenly find themselves in the ATR ("Absent Teacher Reserve") pool and are the "new" rubber roomers, people who have been re-assigned from their life and career. A "Rubber Room" is not a place, but a process.