From Betsy Combier:
The UFT has finally sold out the tenure rights of all members, as well as ended any support for the fake title known as "ATR" - "Absent Teacher Reserve.
UFT wins third-party review for some ‘ineffective’ teacher ratings
The UFT has finally sold out the tenure rights of all members, as well as ended any support for the fake title known as "ATR" - "Absent Teacher Reserve.
UFT wins third-party review for some ‘ineffective’ teacher ratings
Posted By Geoff Decker, Gotham Gazette, February 16, 2012 @ 9:04 pm In Newsroom | 48 Comments
Guidance On New York State's Annual Professional Performance Review Law and Regulations
Guidance On New York State's Annual Professional Performance Review Law and Regulations
Today’s agreement on teacher evaluation appeals wasn’t a complete loss for the union – just 87 percent of one.
When talks over an evaluation system broke down last year, the conflict centered on who should have the final say on teachers rated ‘ineffective’ under the new evaluation system. The city wanted all appeals to be decided by the chancellor, while the union wanted an independent third party to make the final call.
The subsequent deal that was struck as part of today’s statewide teacher evaluations on paper appears to favor the city. Eighty-seven percent of first-year ineffective rating appeals will still be heard by the chancellor. Second-year ineffective ratings will go straight to a 3020-a termination process that takes into account, but does not depend on, a third-party reviewer’s assessment of a teacher’s quality.
The fact that the union managed to salvage a sliver of its demand – getting the city to agree to refer 13 percent of ratings to a third party – is a small win. Bloomberg and the Department of Education initially walked away from the negotiating table in late December and refused to return until the union gave in to all of their demands.
In an interview today, Mulgrew said he was content with winning the 13 percent figure, which he said was based on the proportion of “unsatisfactory” ratings that were overturned before Bloomberg took office. In a statement, he called the deal “the kind of independent, third party component that the UFT has been seeking.”
This afternoon, city officials offered more details on the agreement, which won’t go into effect until the union and city officially settle on a complete evaluation system. Today, Mulgrew repeatedly indicated that he would not cooperate with the city further on negotiations if they continue to move forward on plans to close and reopen 33 schools.
“I will put every legal remedy on the table and we will do everything in our power,” he told GothamSchools today.
Under the agreement, the union has the option to challenge and refer 13 percent of first-year ineffective ratings to a panel of third-party reviewers. City lawyers said the union would be limited to teachers whose low rating might have stemmed from “harassment” by their principal.
Another set of third-party reviewers, called “validators,” will be assigned to all teachers whose first ineffective ratings are upheld. A “teacher improvement plan” will be created for the teachers and the validators will monitor them over the course of the second school year.
Whether the validators’ assessment of each teacher’s performance matches the principal’s will be crucial if the teacher receives a second low rating. Currently, to the city’s chagrin, the burden of proof in 3020-a termination proceedings is on the city, meaning that lawyers must convince a third party that a teacher is incompetent and should be fired. Under the new agreement, the city will still bear the burden of proof if the validator doesn’t agree with the city’s rating. But if a validator has supported the principal’s low rating, the teacher will have to prove she is not incompetent in order to keep her job — stripping her of a protection the city says has made it nearly impossible to fire weak teachers.
The validator role is modeled after a similar position in New Haven, Conn., where the teacher evaluation system has been cited as a model. UFT Secretary Michael Mendel said tonight that the emergence of the role in negotiations was key to bringing together the agreement.
“The independent validator we believe was a huge win for our members,” Mendel said.
City officials envision that the validator positions would be filled by “master teachers” and experienced evaluators who would be hired as vendors working with the Department of Education.
Although city officials said they would like to work with the union to pick the vendors jointly, they added that the UFT would not have the final say. That decision would be made by the State Education Department.
“It’s the only thing we can do to ensure fairness,” Mulgrew said of the need for the independent evaluators.
Article printed from GothamSchools:
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URLs in this post:
[1] More U-ratings given out as evaluation overhaul looms ahead:
[2] UFT: City changed its mind mid-teacher evaluation talks:
[3] Arne Duncan sides with city in debate over teacher ratings:
[4] Union formally appeals court’s decision on teacher ratings:
[5] UFT appeals directly to parents in teacher evaluation showdown:
Ask teachers! It seems so simple. We’re not all geniuses; I’m not suggesting we’re all brain surgeons, but WE witness each day the possibilities, probabilities, and more importantly, the animated faces of the population we are letting down. More importantly, WE have ideas that are influenced by reality.
When our military sets out to capture enemies of the State, nobody suggests the Cub Scouts plot a plan of attack. When our buildings are burning, nobody suggests sending in the Lollypop Guild with little hoses. We don’t expect AARP to sponsor a team in the Olympics or the Braille Institute to carve Mount Rushmore. But we rely on social retards and billionaires, or their minions, millionaires, to understand the nuances of effective education of common folk and write policy that advances the collective intellect.
The further away from the classroom the players of “the game” get, the more detached they are. Yet, in keeping with some weird, exponentially inverse, perverse, negative correlation formula, the more ignorant one is about education, the more power they seem to wield.
I was and sort of still am a vague supporter of Obama, but he’s proven he knows jack about education. He’s another out-of-touch rich guy politician jacking things up. The only refreshing thing is that he’s a rich black guy jacking things up, so there is hope in equal opportunity. Obama is just another floater in the petri dish in the grand (and tenuous/possibly failing) experiment that is America. Arne Duncan isn’t even a floater. The next douche bag President will continue the legacy no doubt.
The key missing component to making education work is educators. Until someone confronts this void in the process, we will continue to descend into an abyss we may never swim out of. Duncan, Obama, nor any other miserable, self-serving abomination of human potential politician will provide any answer beyond that which provides an expedient means to their political ascent. Strewn among the carnage of this wreckage is the future of people too young and inexperienced to kick back–our students. Cynical though I am, I cannot but mourn the fact that amid this mess, they are the real victims and casualties. Yes, even the contingent of asshole nonproductive messes occupying our classrooms are counted here, since to some extent their condition is the result of adults who have failed them. You and I know that any measure of success we have is tied to some mentor who bestowed on us some secret to success—where is theirs? Even if it is us, can they hear us above the din of ignorant windbags who call their shots?
I guess the only honorable thing to do as educators is to commit to not being the cause of their failures and instead provide them clues to their success so that one day they can know hat someone was in their corner. It is a selfless endeavor. Sad, but realistic. In short, I’m not a supporter of Duncan because he’s a bag of shit who should not have any of his tainted fingers stuck up the butt of education. I’d like to think I’ll care which whore runs this country after the next hokey election, but I’m likely not to. They’re all the same really—talking heads. It’s up to us at a grass-roots level to make a difference.