The tenure lawsuit is going forward.
Linda Hill |
All you must remember that when the NYC Parent Union started, Mike Mulgrew, President of the UFT, gave $10,000 to
Mona Davids, and then he was given an award? See my post below from the NYPOST November 10, 2011.
That's how it works, you do something that helps your organization or you remain quiet about illegal actions by the Department/school(s), and you are rewarded. Who can say that the UFT is still not assisting the NYC Parent Union or
Campbell Brown succeed with ending tenure? Has the UFT stood up against the national forces that want to end tenure?
Michael Mulgrew |
I certainly don't think so.
And then there is the commendation by
Education Update to former
Superintendent Erminia Claudia, who now works for CSA, and not only tried very hard to squash
Francesco Portelos, but supported
Principal Linda Hill.
Ms. Hill is "retiring".
Mona Davids Attorneys Withdraw
New parent group all $nug with UFT
, November 10, 2011
It’s the
new teacher’s pet.
A nonprofit touting itself as an “independent” parent advocacy
group has quickly cozied up to the United Federation of Teachers — and to the
union’s deep pockets, The Post has learned.
The New York City Parents Union, which supported the UFT’s legal
battle against charter schools being
housed in public buildings and which recently ripped the mayor’s handling of
the schools system, has already received $10,000 from the teachers union since
launching in April.
The relationship between the two groups will take center stage
tonight when the Parents Union hosts its first annual awards benefit — honoring
none other than UFT President Michael Mulgrew at the UFT’s downtown
Also honored for community leadership will be the state’s NAACP
chief, Hazel Dukes — who has railed repeatedly against charter schools — and
Arthur Z. Schwartz, a longtime labor lawyer who represented the transit union
during its unlawful 2005 strike, which crippled the city.
His new group, Advocates for Justice, filed a lawsuit last
summer on behalf of the Parents Union that echoed the UFT’s losing legal bid to
keep struggling schools from being shuttered.
A host of other unions were also donors to the event including
the AFL-CIO, Teamsters Local 237, SEIU 32B and the Transit Workers Union.
School-choice advocates accused the new parents group of being
an arm of the UFT.
“It was always clear that
the UFT was behind this organization, but now they aren’t even trying to
pretend there is any separation,” said Joe Williams, executive director of
Democrats for Education Reform.
Parents Union founder Mona Davids insisted her group is not a
union tool, saying it “welcomes and appreciates alliances with other individuals and
organizations who share our interest in obtaining the highest-quality public
education for all children in New York City.’’
Additional reporting by Yoav
Dreyfus Intermediate principal tells staff she plans to retire in June
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Embattled Dreyfus Intermediate School Principal Linda Hill has told her staff she plans to retire in June.
Ms. Hill, the subject of a probe by the city's Office of Special Investigations (OSI) for misappropriation of funds,
received a letter of reprimand and was made to pay back $800 to the Department of Education that should not have been allocated to her. She has been principal of the Stapleton intermediate school for more than a decade.
She broke the news to her faculty Monday at the conclusion of a morning staff meeting, according to several faculty members there.
Ms. Hill told staff she is stepping down after a 40-year career with the school system as an educator and administrator, adding that she would stay on until the end of the school year.
The DOE could not confirm her pending retirement until paperwork had been filed and completed. A spokesman said she remains as the school's active principal.
The DOE began to inspect Ms. Hill's workplace time-sheets in early 2012, after a teacher at the school tipped off investigators that the longtime administrator may be abusing the per session or overtime system.
The whistle-blower, former Dreyfus science and technology teacher Francesco Portelos, alleged Ms. Hill was clocking overtime for supervising an after-school program, while she was actually attending monthly meetings of the School Leadership Team.
A lengthy OSI probe found Ms. Hill misallocated a total of $800 over the course of the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school years.
Payroll records show that Ms. Hill, who earned a salary of $146,713 last year, took home an average of more than $11,000 in per session (overtime) fees in 2010 and 2011, before the allegations of her double -dipping surfaced.
Ms. Hill admitted under oath that she double-dipped during a court deposition last October, but denied that it was done intentionally. She said she stopped double- billing the district after being informed that she was under investigation for the practice, according to court transcripts.
The allegations, which charged she skirted purchasing limits on her DOE-issued Procurement Card or P-Card, by splitting up payments made to the same vendor, were also brought to the DOE's attention by Portelos.
The former Dreyfus teacher, who now serves in the district's Absent Teacher Reserve pool, was removed from the classroom in 2012 and spent
two years in a rubber room while under investigation for dozens of misconduct complaints initiated by Ms. Hill, that he claims were lodged in retaliation for reporting her financial improprieties.