Hearing on DOE’s Restructured School Support System
The City Council’s
Education Committee, chaired by Council Member Daniel Dromm, will hold an
oversight hearing, “Oversight: DOE’s Restructured School Support System”.
Below is information regarding the upcoming hearing:
Hearing on: Oversight: “DOE’s Restructured School
Support System”
October 1, 2015
p.m. (*public testimony is estimated to begin at or after 3:00pm)
Chambers – City Hall
In January 2015,
Chancellor Fariña announced a new streamlined school support system, dubbed
“Strong Schools, Strong Communities,” to align the responsibilities of
supervising and supporting schools in the offices of the district and high
school superintendents. Under the new system, which takes effect in the
current 2015-16 school year, there will be clear lines of authority and
accountability under the direction of the superintendent. The reforms to
the structure also include the replacement of the 55 Children First Networks
with seven geographically based Borough Field Support Centers (BFSCs).
The new, geographically-based BFSCs, which opened in July, are providing
integrated supports to schools across areas of instruction, operations,
including finance and human resource support, and student services including
health resources and counseling, support to English Language Learners, and
support to students with disabilities. This oversight hearing would
provide a better understanding of the restructured school support system.
We invite members of
Community Education Councils, parents, students, educators, advocates, and all
other stakeholders and interested members of the public to testify at this
hearing. Testimony will
be limited to 2-3 minutes per person to allow as many as possible to
testify. Although the hearing starts at 1:00 p.m., the
Administration (Department of Education), as well as other witnesses (such as
elected officials) have been invited to testify and answer questions from
Council Members at the outset, so we do not expect to hear from others until
approximately 3:00 pm or later. Please make sure you fill out a
witness slip on the desk of the Sergeant-at-arms if you wish to testify.
If you plan to bring written testimony, please bring at least 20 copies.
If you are unable to attend the hearing and wish to submit written testimony,
please email your testimony to jatwell@council.nyc.gov.
Please share this
information with any interested groups or individuals. Thank you for your
assistance and we look forward to seeing you on October 1st! Please
note - hearing dates and times are subject to change. For
information about hearings and other events, check the Council's website at http://council.nyc.gov/html/action/calendar.shtml or,
if you'd like to receive email notices of upcoming hearings, you can sign up at
the following link http://council.nyc.gov/html/action/signup.shtml.
All hearings are open to the public.