Campbell Brown |
A new advocacy group is helping parents
prepare a challenge to New York's teacher tenure and seniority laws, contending
that they violate children's constitutional right to a sound basic education by
keeping ineffective teachers in classrooms.
Brown, a former CNN anchor who has been a critic of job protections for
teachers, launched the group, Partnership for Educational Justice, in December.
She said six students have agreed to serve as plaintiffs, arguing they suffered
from laws making it too expensive, time-consuming and burdensome to fire bad
The preparations to challenge the
state's tenure laws this summer follow a landmark ruling in California earlier
this month. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Rolf M. Treu struck down the
state's laws on tenure, dismissal and seniority, saying they disproportionately
saddled poor and minority students with incompetent teachers. Evidence that
ineffective teachers hurt learning, he wrote, "shocks the
California unions that intervened in the
case, Vergara v. California, said they would appeal, and legal analysts
predicted the ruling would inspire similar suits around the country.
Carl Korn, spokesman for New York State
United Teachers, said his union believes the Vergara decision will be overturned,
and the facts are different in New York than in California. While he said that
New York's new evaluation system has flaws, it aims to bolster teacher quality.
"The system is designed to help all
teachers improve, and for those who struggle or don't belong in the system, to
remove them in an expedited hearing," he said.
Michael Mulgrew,
president of the United Federation of Teachers in New York City, said by email:
"It is a shame so many so-called 'reformers' can't find a way to do
something that would actually help students, teachers and schools."
Ms. Brown wants a verdict in her group's
case to spur legislators to come up with better education policies. "My
hope is this would be a wake-up call to politicians who failed to solve these
problems for years," she said.
Her team has been meeting with parents
to find plaintiffs. One is Jada Williams in Rochester, who wrote a
seventh-grade essay complaining about teachers who she said gave no real
instruction and failed to manage unruly students. Her mother, Carla, said in an
interview: "When a child in class is educationally neglected, that's a
criminal act."
David Welch, the Silicon Valley
entrepreneur who financed Students Matter, the advocacy group that filed the
Vergara suit, has given Ms. Brown guidance, and came to a meeting of about 30
people at her apartment in April to discuss it, she said. A mother of two
children in private school, Ms. Campbell said she gave seed money to the
Partnership for Educational Justice. She declined to disclose other donors. She
has applied for nonprofit status.
Jay Lefkowitz, a senior partner at
Kirkland & Ellis, is leading the New York case pro bono. Mr. Lefkowitz, a
former deputy assistant to President George W. Bush,
fought for Wisconsin's school vouchers and prevailed through the U.S. Supreme
Mr. Lefkowitz said "it boggles the
mind" that in the New York education system the vast majority of teachers
were rated effective or better last year even though 69% of students in grades
three through eight didn't pass state proficiency tests.
"The system lacks integrity and
students are being forced to pay the price," he said. Unions often note
that many factors affect learning, such as poverty and parent involvement.
Mr. Lefkowitz said he plans to challenge
statutes mandating that during budget cuts, districts must dismiss the newest
teachers first, with no consideration of their performance. Unions have long
argued that without seniority rules, districts would lay off more highly paid
veterans to save money.
He said he will also challenge what he
said are overly complicated disciplinary procedures that dissuade
administrators from trying to revoke tenure; some of these cases have cost
hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees.
Union officials emphasize that tenure
doesn't guarantee a job for life, but enforces due process to shield teachers
from arbitrary firings, nepotism and vindictive bosses. A district may seek to
revoke tenure if a teacher gets two bad annual ratings in a row.
Mr. Lefkowitz plans to argue teachers
are granted tenure before it is clear they deserve it. In New York, teachers
generally get tenure at the end of three years of acceptable service, but
principals can add another probationary year.
In the California case, the plaintiffs
brought an equal-protection claim, arguing that a disproportionate share of bad
teachers end up in schools serving disadvantaged students.
The New York constitution says children
have a right to a "sound basic education." Mr. Lefkowitz plans to
argue that laws leading to the retention of ineffective teachers hurt students
no matter what their background. He said he plans to file the suit in New York
Supreme Court in Albany.
Just a quick note- some ATRs I know have decided to retire. The principal of the school they are at now has to sign off (some have met with difficulty). Also there has been much evasiveness on the proper forms. Several have not been able to get the severance pay form (and no one will
On the money again, just a few hours after the
You da'man!
Can these people do anything right?
Check tomorrow and see if it has been changed.
Interestingly, I was observed earler this year by a field supervisor. Fortunately, I received a satisfatory observation, yet when I went to my DOE email, I hadn't recieved any link or any email about my rating. I ask, When will I receive my rating ? Also, I hope that it is the correct rating sheet. In fact, I am currently on the phone with HR Connect. They said that I will have to wait 20 minutes before anyone can serve me. I interpret this as meaning tha all of the ATRs in the city are calling the DOE about this mess of a situation