See Chaz's blog post below.
Some additional information:
it seems that former Gotcha Squad attorney Jeffrey Gamils, the lawyer who prosecuted Christine Rubino,( see here as well) is now a Field Supervisor who goes from school to school to observe ATRs. Watch out for him, and remember, all observations or letters to file MUST be rebutted. Write a rubbutal for anything that has your name on it which has any opinion, incident, or allegation which you feel is incorrect or untrue.
it seems that "C" rating is being given to ATRs who have taken days for medical/family issues; no one really knows what a "C" rating means...
most ATRs are rated "N"
Betsy Combier
CHAZ' School Daze
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
The DOE Provides Another Poor Example Of their Shoddy Work By Using Last Year's Rating Sheet For This Year's Rating.
Last night the Absent
Now it seems that the proper rating sheet will be sent later today as the DOE scrambles to correct the problem that their own shoddy work and oversight created in the first place.
Too bad that these incompetents at the DOE are not subject to to the same accountability rules as educators otherwise they certainly would receive an "ineffective" or "unsatisfactory" rating for doing their job poorly. Now, to me, this is unprofessional behavior.
update: As of this morning, the updated rating link has been down since the DOE sent it out late yesterday afternoon. People calling HR connect are receiving wait times for up to an hour. The union now informed me it will be corrected by Thursday. The DOEincompetence in doing their job just continues.
Just a quick note- some ATRs I know have decided to retire. The principal of the school they are at now has to sign off (some have met with difficulty). Also there has been much evasiveness on the proper forms. Several have not been able to get the severance pay form (and no one will
On the money again, just a few hours after the
You da'man!
Can these people do anything right?
Check tomorrow and see if it has been changed.
Interestingly, I was observed earler this year by a field supervisor. Fortunately, I received a satisfatory observation, yet when I went to my DOE email, I hadn't recieved any link or any email about my rating. I ask, When will I receive my rating ? Also, I hope that it is the correct rating sheet. In fact, I am currently on the phone with HR Connect. They said that I will have to wait 20 minutes before anyone can serve me. I interpret this as meaning tha all of the ATRs in the city are calling the DOE about this mess of a situation