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David Brodsky |
In any case, the below decision written - or at least signed - by David Brodsky says some interesting things about secret recordings and what constitutes harassment of teachers. The Special Complaint was filed by 20 teachers at Bronx Science, including Chalkbeat writer Peter Lamphere, who claimed that in 2008 Assistant Principal Rosemarie Jahoda repeatedly harassed them. They also charged that principal Valerie Reidy wrongly denied them tenure and gave arbitrary “U” ratings.
See also a 2012 PERB charge of bad faith against the UFT for your summer enjoyment.
In many ways I already miss David, with whom I met many times at Tweed and at 49-51 Chambers Street, 6th Floor. He was always diplomatic in what he said and acted completely as a gentleman at all times, even when he disagreed with what was being said. Good luck in your new position, Mr. Brodsky!
Oh - by the way, 3020-a hearings and the NYC DOE Office of Legal Services/General Counsel/Labor Relations moved July 17, 2015 to their new address:
100 Gold Street, 3rd Floor
After 13 years of going to the 6th floor for hearings, I will miss:
1. sitting in the waiting room and hearing the receptionist - often Sylvia Cheeks - demanding that no one sit near the reception desk or by the Xerox machine in fear of someone seeing the computer screen (with non-DOE websites) - soooo ridiculous, because despite the screen anyone in the room can see what is on the computer, even if you were sitting at the far wall;
2. the secret room where certain attorneys hide cups for when there were no cups/no DOE employee would give you a cup for the water;
3. Hearing Room 621, where, several years ago, the window sprung open and the Ubiqus equipment used for taping the hearing fell out and down to the street below (no one was hurt). The window was subsequently locked for years, then unlocked. How we who worked in that room kept the window shut/open depending on the air in the room;
4. Finding a room in which to speak with my clients hoping that Sylvia would not suddenly barge in and tell us to immediately get out, as the rooms on the 6th floor belong to the NYC Department of Education, and we don't work for the DOE. Huh? My clients are all DOE employees....I guess she forgot.
5. The wonderful old safe that must have weighed a ton or two, by the elevators (West bank) on the 7th floor. I did not get a picture of it, but if anyone could take a picture and email it to me I would appreciate it!! My email: betsy.combier@gmail.com
I will add to this list as more funny incidents come to mind. There are a lot of them.
Betsy Combier
Department of Education
Joel I. Klein Chancellor
New York, NY 10018
Howard Solomon
Director, Grievance Department United Federation of Teachers 52 Broadway, 16th
FloorNew York, NY 10004-1603
RE: United Federation of Teachers, Local 2, AFT, AFL-CIO (Peter
Lamphere et al., Special Complaint) and the Department of Education of the City School District
of the City of New York
AAA Case No. 13 390 01347 09 OLRCB File No. 09-25389
File No. A-072-C16485
In accordance with Article 23 ("Special Complaints") of the collective bargaining agreement ("CBA") covering teachers
employed by the Department, I have been duly designated to issue the final Department determination in the above-referenced matter. Upon
consideration of the Fact Finder's
Report and Recommendations ("Report")1 dated April
15, 20102 in this case, I am issuing this letter as the Chancellor's determination under Article
23G of the governing CBA.
My review of the Fact-Finder's Report is in accordance with the declared
objective outlined in the preamble of the Special Complaints section of the CBA. This process
is designed "to
encourage prompt and informal resolution of special complaints not covered by the
grievance procedure ..." Thus, I agree with the Fact-Finder to the extent
she concluded that pedagogical issues or matters involving the implementation of department/school policies
or procedures, assignments, postings, or disciplinary matters are inappropriate for the Special Complaint procedure. See
Report, p. 2. Any challenges the union seeks to present
involving these issues must be lodged in other forums, whether under available CBA grievance procedures
such as the reorganization grievance process; the separate
non-contractual processes for review of pedagogical ratings
and discontinuances; or elsewhere.
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Valerie Reidy |
The Fact-Finder appears to largely justify her conclusions regarding Assistant Principal Jahoda's tone and manner in her dealings with the teachers based on the testimony of three teachers; various unsworn written statements submitted by other special complainants; and, most significantly, on a surreptitious audio recording introduced by the union on its rebuttal case.
Union Exhibit
21. In fact, as evidenced
by the Report's Fact-Finding discussion devoted to this surreptitious recording, there can be no doubt that it was heavily
relied upon by the Fact-Finder. Accordingly, I also reviewed
this recording and have concluded
that it was unfairly considered for more than the limited purpose for which it was offered
but, in any case, does not support the Fact-Finder's conclusions.
In fact, the recording shows, in context of the entire record, that teacher Nancy Philip wanted to have a fellow teacher accompany her to a post-observation conference with Assistant Principal Jahoda. However, there is no contractual right for such an arrangement regarding a non-disciplinary conference such as the post-observation meeting in question. Further, Assistant Principal Jahoda was confronted by a group of teachers who suddenly appeared on the scene, and Ms. Jahoda felt it necessary to call the Principal for assistance. Thus, while it is not surprising that Assistant Principal's "tone with the teachers was confrontational and defensive and, at times, her voice was raised," see Report, p. 5, this is hardly evidence of harassment of the teachers.
More accurately, the recording shows that a group
of teachers walked into the meeting to challenge and intimidate a new Assistant
Principal. Even
accepting the finding of the Fact Finder concerning that Assistant Principal
Jahoda's tone and manner, such behavior does not rise to the level of harassment under the parties'
contractual complaint process. See
UFT v. Board of Education, (Dr. Arlene Bloom),
AAA# l339 0515 88, Arbitrator
Weinstock (1988) pp. 18-19, which held that a principal's impatience and annoyance, even though it exceeded the bounds of propriety, did not rise to the level of harassment or discrimination.
I further find that the Special Complainants' withholding of their 18 months of surreptitious recordings taint the union's entire case presentation and demonstrates their motives with regard
to Principal Reidy's attempts to resolve this matter. Eighteen months ofrecordings would have surely supported the union's claim of consistent harassment of the entire math department, yet
only one was introduced into evidence. Beyond that, Jeremy Shahom ("Shahom") testified that
he still has most of the recordings in his possession. Thus, he and the other Special Complainants and/or the union chose to withhold rather than submit their 18 months ofrecordings of virtually
all relevant events in this matter. Clearly, those recordings would have been the best evidence of the interactions between the teachers, Assistant Principal Jahoda and Principal Reidy in this case. By contrast, much of the Fact-Finder's determinations, which included crediting Philip's testimony that was clearly contradicted by fellow Special Complainant Shahom, are based on conflicting accounts of events that could have easily been reviewed by listening to the actual recordings themselves. As Assistant Principal Jahoda disputed these claims, the recordings would have
easily avoided any speculation or subjective determinations as to what occurred. Accordingly,
the Department's attorneys maintained that, under governing case law reflecting principles of fundamental fairness, an adverse inference should be drawn by the Fact-Finder that no alleged incident of verbal harassment rose even to the level of the one recording submitted, and even that did not demonstrate harassment. See supra.
However, the Report does not address this point in any way.
I thus draw the inference that the withheld
audio recordings do not establish
harassment any more than the one secret recording that was submitted, which itself does not establish
harassment. Accordingly, I reject any of the Fact-Finder's determinations to the contrary.
Moreover, the Fact-Finder's Report is fundamentally flawed in that it fails to consider
all relevant facts regarding a number of other conclusions. For example, I reject the Fact-Finder's conclusions that
requiring teachers to raise their
hands before speaking
at Departmental meetings is harassment or meant
to intimidate. See Report, p. 4. To the contrary,
the full record
shows that the Mathematics Department meetings were particularly disorderly and chaotic with individuals frequently speaking over one another. The Assistant Principal
took steps to bring some order into chaotic meetings.
Further, in finding that Assistant Principal Jahoda reduced teachers
to tears, she misstated
the number of teachers who allegedly cried and, more to the point, overlooked all the relevant circumstances.
For example,
the Fact-Finder overlooked the fact that Assistant Principal
Jahoda was herself concerned
during her first ever post-observation conference when Special
Complainant Philip broke into tears while Ms. Jahoda was attempting to critique the lesson taught by Philips.
At no point was it alleged that Ms. Jahoda's critique
was delivered in any way but the most professional and respectful manner.
When that occurred,
Assistant Principal Jahoda gave Philip tissues; assured
her the lesson observation would be rendered
null and void and not placed in her file; attempted to comfort Philip;
and allowed the meeting to end. These are hardly the hallmarks
of harassment. Moreover, the Fact-Finder does not address
various acts of insubordinate and rude conduct
by the Special Complainants, .
Special Complainant Veetal's admission that she raised her voice and used obscenities when addressing Assistant Principal Jahoda. In addition, the Fact-Finder evidently
credited unsworn written
statements by numerous
Special Complainants over sworn testimony
and written affidavits, themselves prepared in response to the unsworn
statements. Among
other things, these affidavits included
those from non-complaining teachers who corroborated Assistant Principal Jahoda's
testimony that she did not raise her voice or harass teachers
at meetings and at other times. I find that, to the extent the Fact-Finder credited
unsworn statements over sworn testimony
and affidavits, she committed a fundamental evidentiary error reflecting on the soundness of her conclusions.
However, it would
serve little purpose to further catalog here the numerous
similar ways the Report is fundamentally flawed.
Suffice it to say
that I cannot find that it portrays
an accurate, fair and complete picture of the relevant
events, nor can I adopt most of the conclusions she has drawn from the incomplete factual picture portrayed in the Report.
The first recommendation is rejected. The Chancellor does not have the ability to require voluntary and simultaneous transfer
of pedagogical staff. Moreover, given my rejection
of the Fact-Finder's findings and conclusions above, I do not agree that it is appropriate for Assistant Principal Jahoda to leave her position
at the Bronx High School of Science.
The second recommendation is rejected. Procedures involving letters placed in the files of the complainants are beyond the scope of the Fact-Finder's jurisdiction.

Former Bronx High School of Science teacher Peter Lamphere gets ‘unsatisfactory’ rating reversed in Supreme Court
Alleged that Principal Valerie Reidy harrassed him, wrongly denied others tenure
Embattled faculty members at Bronx High School of Science are rejoicing after a state judge ruled to erase an unsatisfactory rating from a former teacher’s record.
In a decision last Wednesday, Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Paul Feinman granted a petition to overturn a “U”-rating for Peter Lamphere, which he received from principal Valerie Reidy during the 2008-09 school year.The former union chapter leader appealed it first to the Department of Education, and then to the court, in July.
“It’s a big relief to finally see some judicial review of the DOE’s actions,” said Lamphere, who now teaches at a high school in Queens. “It provides some measure of scrutiny of the DOE’s blank check that they've given to Reidy.”
Lamphere was among 20 out of 22 math teachers who filed a special complaint in 2008 against assistant principal Rosemarie Jahoda, alleging repeated harassment. They also charged that Reidy wrongly denied them tenure and gave arbitrary “U” ratings.
An independent investigator found that the teachers were being harassed.
Lamphere, a tenured teacher, decided to leave Bronx Science after receiving two “U” ratings from Reidy, the first in the 2007-08 school year and then again in the 2008-2009 school year.
“It was understood at Bronx Science that Reidy used ‘U’ ratings and denials of tenure for nonpedagogical reasons,” said Mark Kagan, a social studies teacher who left the school this year.
Lamphere said he is still awaiting another judge’s decision for his first negative evaluation.
Last week’s ruling will likely grant Lamphere the wages he did not get when he received the poor rating.
Reidy did not return repeated requests for comment.
“We are disappointed in the decision and are weighing our legal options,” said DOE spokeswoman Barbara Morgan.
Lamphere said the ruling should provide encouragement to other teachers.
“I think it should give some hope to those folks who’ve been abused by the administration at Bronx Science,” he said. “It’s possible to gain some measure of justice by speaking out.”
He added, “I would love to go back to Bronx Science, if I was confident that the academic environment there was no longer filled with the kind of persecution