Teachers, staff, professionals everywhere:
In this world of make believe, where Principals can make up anything about you that they want, and something sticks, do your internet shopping/business/game-playing at home, not at your assignment. Even if you have nothing to do, DONT go to the internet to do anything but write/research/input something that relates directly to your work.
I have obtained the NYC BOE internet rules, below, and I suggest that you read them carefully. The Gotcha Squad may already have your personnel file.
Betsy Combier
New York City Department of Education
A.‘Internet Acceptable Use Policy.’
B. System Responsibilities:
3. “Each district’s plan must designate, for each school building in the district, a building-level coordinator for the Department’s Internet and e-mail system and must include a customer service telephone number for users to call with questions or comments about the Internet Acceptable Use Policy. The building-level coordinator may be the principal or his\her designee. The building-level coordinator will approve building-level activities, ensure teachers receive proper training in the use of the system and of this policy, establish a system to ensure adequate supervision of students using the system…and be responsible for interpreting the Internet Acceptable Use Policy at the building level.
D. Filtering:
The Department has installed Internet filtering software in an attempt to block users access to inappropriate and\or harmful text on the internet. The software works by scanning web sites, addresses, web site content, e-mail and other document for objectionable words or concepts. Objectionable words and concepts are pre-determined by the Department….it denies the user access to to them based on the level of access assigned to the word or concept by the Department.
F. Respecting Resource Limits:
i. Users will use the system only for educational and professional activites. Staff may not use the Internetfor personal use during working hours, except that they may engage in incidental use during their duty-free time…..
9. E-mail Policy: E-mail Acceptable Use Guidelines
i. “Acceptable” e-mail use activites are those that conform to the purpose, goals, and mission of the DOE and to each user’s job duties and responsibilities.
A close-up look at NYC education policy, politics,and the people who have been, are now, or will be affected by these actions and programs. ATR CONNECT assists individuals who suddenly find themselves in the ATR ("Absent Teacher Reserve") pool and are the "new" rubber roomers, people who have been re-assigned from their life and career. A "Rubber Room" is not a place, but a process.