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Saturday, November 26, 2016

The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Dennis Walcott's Speech on "Ending Just Cause at 3020-a"

Dennis Walcott was a Chancellor-in-waiting who was always in the background of all the others during the Bloomberg Administration, and he remains a person who covers up waste and corruption - oops, I mean who cleans up waste and corruption (actually, you can pick which one). He's a "floater", always ready to jump in to a position when a political hack fizzles out.

Here is the Wikipedia write-up:
"Dennis M. Walcott (born September 7, 1951) was the Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education. He succeeded Cathie Black, who resigned in April 2011 after only three months on the job. He was succeeded as chancellor by Carmen Fariña.
Although Walcott lacks training as a schools administrator, he served nine years as New York City Deputy Mayor for Education and was a member of the NYC Board of Education. He required a waiver from the New York State Education Department under Education Commissioner David M. Steiner. Walcott is a former employee at Amistad Day Care Center and holds a master's degrees in the education field.
Prior to joining Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2002 as Deputy Mayor for Education, he headed the New York chapter of the Urban League."

He, like Mike Bloomberg and Joel Klein, set in motion the unfair 3020-a arbitration process. They and many others around the US believe that Just Cause is not something that they want to deal with. Their goal is to end tenure rights. If a principal wants an employee out of the school and off the payroll, they should have the right, legally, to terminate the person, tenure be damned. The goal is to end job protection for anyone.


Dennis Walcott to be named monitor of troubled East Ramapo school district

There Can Be No Change Under the Reign Of Bloomberg (Except In Ourselves )

I believe we must keep tenure, and must use every resource available to keep good teachers in their jobs. And, to get bad teachers out. Who is a bad teacher? A person who is proven to lie, cheat, deliberately harm a child or adult, or steal. The key word here is "proven", as in giving Proof. Facts Matter.

Proof with facts wins.

Just keep writing and fighting, that's the answer.

Betsy Combier

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