Please let me know when your next gig is, Peter, and I will bring friends and family -
All the best,
Betsy Combier
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, National Public Voice
NYC Life: Shows, Discounts, Conferences, Good Causes
We love autumn in New York and there are so many great things going on right now our head is spinning. Here a few events – shows, discounts, conferences, and good causes – we’ve handpicked just for you tomatoes.OMG! Then there is:
I was a Teenage Substitute
“I Was a Teenage Substitute”: What does Substitute Teaching Mean Today?

Peter Ianniello, PhD, Executive Director of Human Resources at the New York City Department of Education, as a teenage substitute.
Recently, at TeacherMatch’s Solutions Summit 2015 in Miami, Florida, I had the pleasure to hear keynote speaker Peter Ianniello, PhD, Executive Director of Human Resources at the New York City Department of Education (DOE), discuss substitute teacher hiring in his presentation titled “I Was a Teenage Substitute.”
With his opening sentence “Once upon a time in a land known as the Bronx, a cute, Italian 16-year-old teenager longed to be a substitute teacher,” the audience had a good laugh. But more importantly the audience was engaged in discovering the answer to the question, “What do we know about substitute teachers?”
With Peter’s experience, along with our own knowledge of K-12 HR, we can provide meaningful insight into today’s substitute teachers.
Not just a warm body.According to ERIC Digest, members of the K-12 school community view substitute teachers as baby-sitters, objects of pity, or just a warm body in the classroom. Rarely are substitute teachers seen as effective educators.
Credentials for substitutes may include certificates, criminal background checks, college transcripts and health certificates, but vary between school districts. Yet, U.S. teachers take off an average of 9.4 days each school year and the average student has a substitute teacher in the classroom for more than six months of their entire school career.
As a result, it is critical to hire substitute teachers that will positively impact student achievement in the classroom. School districts do this by hiring full-time substitutes that fill classrooms in the same district schools, or fill in for a specific subject area. Sometimes these substitutes may assist with curriculum development and lesson plans
Support systems for substitute teachers.According to “Expectations and experiences of Substitute Teachers,” an article from The Alberta Journal of Educational Research that explores the expectations of support for substitute teachers, “Not only are substitute teachers kept on the margins in schools, they also encountered barriers building communities of support among other substitutes. As outsiders, these substitute teachers were marginalized and isolated in the school, which translated into them being denied access to vital knowledge of school culture.”
While a substitute’s work often goes unnoticed, substitute teachers fulfill a central role in K-12 classrooms. Districts that make substitute teaching exciting and provide personal satisfaction for subs create a more enriching working environment, which can and often times is reflected in their performance in the classroom.
At the New York City DOE, Peter and his team assessed the needs of their substitute teachers. They surveyed approximately 6,920 substitutes and the results indicated areas of professional development (PD) requested by their subs. These areas were classroom-related education workshops, personal growth and development, and professional and behavioral courses. Consequently, New York City DOE will use this information to create professional learning programs and a PD library that includes relevant and current articles, classroom management tools, policies and procedures, and research, which support the needs of their substitute teachers.
All told, substitute teaching today is about utilizing the strengths of substitutes to fill classrooms with individuals that are just not a warm body, and to provide substitutes support programs that develop their personal and professional growth. To learn more about how Peter Ianniello, and his team are accomplishing this in one of the U.S.’s largest school districts, download Peter’s presentation from our 2015 Solutions Summit.
ALERT: Peter Ianniello Makes All His YouTube Videos Private
Suddenly Peter Ianniello doesn't like to be on YouTube as much as I thought. Or, he doesn't want to be on MY blog on YouTube. Or whatever.
Anyway, all of Dr. Ianniello's YouTube appearances are now private. (By the way, is this you, Peter?)
Peter, we enjoyed watching you describe Department policy!! C'mon, be brave. Put them back out to the public. I guess I will have to file a FOIL request. Below is my former post with the live YouTube videos.
Many of his comments are included in his Substitute Teachers Handbook from the National Council on Teacher Quality:
and the latest version.
In The Road To Broad, this is what Dr. Peter Ianniello and Vicki Bernstein had to say about teacher quality and training in NYC:
FACES: Peter Ianniello, NYC DOE Executive Director, Human Resources
Dr. Ianniello likes being on YouTube. 2PLUQ dR7AeUdj4 sv-Nc e0HPztSH8 NVIdV73VA 2IkZs
Anyway, all of Dr. Ianniello's YouTube appearances are now private. (By the way, is this you, Peter?)
Peter, we enjoyed watching you describe Department policy!! C'mon, be brave. Put them back out to the public. I guess I will have to file a FOIL request. Below is my former post with the live YouTube videos.
Many of his comments are included in his Substitute Teachers Handbook from the National Council on Teacher Quality:
Here is an updated version 2011 with Lawrence Becker:LINK
and the latest version.
In The Road To Broad, this is what Dr. Peter Ianniello and Vicki Bernstein had to say about teacher quality and training in NYC:
"New York City Department of Education
Leaders in New York City have similarly reformed the department's human resources office to align with its school improvement efforts. "In the past, HR was kind of an 'add on' department," says Vicki Berstein, deputy executive director of the division of human resources. "We had responsibilities for finance, administration, facilities, safety—HR was one of more than 10 things we were responsible for." Since 2003, however, Chancellor Joel Klein and his leadership team have recast the role of the human resources office to reflect a keen focus on strategic human capital.
Leaders in New York City have similarly reformed the department's human resources office to align with its school improvement efforts. "In the past, HR was kind of an 'add on' department," says Vicki Berstein, deputy executive director of the division of human resources. "We had responsibilities for finance, administration, facilities, safety—HR was one of more than 10 things we were responsible for." Since 2003, however, Chancellor Joel Klein and his leadership team have recast the role of the human resources office to reflect a keen focus on strategic human capital.
Over the past four years, the office has worked to shift from a transactional entity focused primarily on filling vacancies to a "quality broker" that works with schools to find the best person for a specific job, whether a teacher or a principal. "For a long time, the focus had been on hiring and placing teachers ourselves," says Berstein. "We wanted to focus instead on serving the school. So we've had to change our systems to help us do a better job of matching candidates with schools." New York started by re-staffing the central recruitment office with recruiters who had teaching experience rather than a civil service background.
The HR office also established a new placement process to allow principals more authority over who works in their school. Instead of reviewing applications only for basic eligibility, HR staff now screen each new teacher applicant according to a common rubric that was developed based on input from principals across the city.
"We make sure candidates have all the proper credentials so that principals aren't wasting their time interviewing people who they can't actually hire," says Peter Ianniello, director of recruitment and selection. "But we are also more selective about the teachers we are bringing in and recommending to our schools." Each candidate who passes the initial screening is placed in a pool that is made available to school leaders online. Based on candidates' strengths and interests, principals can schedule interviews only with those applicants who they believe would be good matches for their schools.
NYCDOE's human resources office is also analyzing data about new recruits to help improve the department's future recruitment and selection strategies. HR staff have begun surveying new teachers and principals about which elements of the hiring and placement process work for them and which need to be improved. HR is also collecting information about new teachers—from how they came to the DOE and were placed, to their college GPA and matching this information with the teachers' impact on student learning to gain insight about the characteristics of recruits who are most effective in the classroom. In the future, this information will allow the HR office to more strategically target recruitment efforts and refine screening and selection to help ensure that all schools are staffed by the highest-quality teachers.........
New York City Department of Education
In New York City's early stages of reform, many department-wide initiatives—such as required curricula in reading, writing and math and school-based parent coordinators—were designed to stabilize and bring coherence to a fragmented system. But with the evolution of the department's reform efforts, Chancellor Joel Klein has now deliberately transferred authority from a central bureaucracy to the school level. New structures within the department, innovative support systems and contract relationships with individual schools are all designed to support the department's vision of empowerment and accountability.
In New York City's early stages of reform, many department-wide initiatives—such as required curricula in reading, writing and math and school-based parent coordinators—were designed to stabilize and bring coherence to a fragmented system. But with the evolution of the department's reform efforts, Chancellor Joel Klein has now deliberately transferred authority from a central bureaucracy to the school level. New structures within the department, innovative support systems and contract relationships with individual schools are all designed to support the department's vision of empowerment and accountability.
"Our goal has been to move from a system that had been very centrally managed to a system that is built on a backbone of accountability," says Klein. Between 2003 and 2006, 10 regional centers supported schools across the city, helping to unify the system of more than 1,400 schools. In 2007, these regions gave way to a network of school support organizations and service centers, nimble organizations that provide schools with many of the same services and supports that had previously come from the central bureaucracy.
School support organizations across the city now compete to offer schools help with instruction, educational programming, scheduling of the day and year, and professional development. Business service centers offer schools assistance with operational issues such as payroll, vendor contracts, facilities issues and budgeting. "Principals can look around at different systems and purchase the one they want," explains Lawrence Pendergast, a high school principal. "The district literally gives us money and says, 'you pick out the support that you think will work best for your school.' That's real honest empowerment for a principal."
NYCDOE's leaders have taken empowerment one step further through new performance contracts with principals across the city. The contracts spell out specific performance goals—for academic progress, student behavior, and financial health—that schools must meet each year. Those that have consistently low student achievement over time may face leadership changes or closure. In return for this accountability, principals can exercise greater autonomy over instructional methods, assessments, professional development, the school day and the budget.
New York's new organizational structure—together with a dynamic support system and greater autonomy at the school level—combine to create an environment that allows effective leaders to do what is necessary to achieve the next level of dramatic improvement in student achievement."
Below is my previous article, with the links to Dr. Ianniello's YouTube videos which were suddenly removed from public view:FACES: Peter Ianniello, NYC DOE Executive Director, Human Resources
Dr. Ianniello likes being on YouTube.
NYC DOE Peter Ianniello | |
Education |
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Peter Ianniello
eSchool Solutions | Peter Ianniello - NYC Department of Education | SFE Client Testimonial
Published on Sep 20, 2012
Peter Ianniello from the NYC Department of Education discusses how the features of SmartFindExpress has helped to mandate their special education paraprofessionals. Learn more about eSchool Solutions teacher absence management programs by visiting our website
In 2007, Dr. Ianniello was cited for a violation of the Conflicts of Interest Board rules.
Executive Director, Human Resources at NYC Department of Education
Executive Director, Human Resources at NYC Department of Education
ExperienceDirector of Alumni Systems ManagementFordham University
Managed all aspects of alumni data, gift records and acknowledgments, and reports for both the offices of Development and Alumni Relations as well as other University users.