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49-51 Chambers Street |
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100 Gold Street, Manhattan |
The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the Vouchers Paid To Arbitrators
The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the Rubber Room
The 3020-a Arbitration Newswire: Digging Up The Garbage on the DOE Lawyers -Shareema Abel
One of the many things which has NOT changed is the use of the tax-payer-paid-for-XEROX-machine stationed beside the receptionist desk in the waiting room at 100 Gold, 3rd Floor. This machine is to me a constant reminder that the NYC Department of Education is in CONTROL (key word) of all that occurs in the hearing rooms, unless you can overcome this by an effective defense, which is what I hope I and the lawyers I work with, do. You cannot simply go to this very big, all purpose machine and copy papers you need for your hearing. You must ask, beg, give your first-born child, and maybe you will be given the code, or an arbitrator will ask/demand that the NYC DOE taxpayer-paid Attorney will copy the docs for you. Depends on who your arbitrator is.
The NYC DOE taxpayer-paid-attorney in the re-post from my blog in 2011, Victor Muallem, (see decision in that case) is no longer working for the DOE - in fact, I believe he moved on soon after my post below, posted on this blog on May 10, 2011.
The Respondent whose hearing was on that day was given a $1000 fine and sent right back to his school. We won.
Betsy Combier
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, Parentadvocates.org
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, National Public Voice
Editor, The NYC Public Voice
TUESDAY, MAY 10, 2011
The XEROX Machine Incident at The Gotcha Squad
The picture above is a copy machine. This particular copier is located in the left corner of The Gotcha Squad's sixth floor waiting room, right behind the receptionist where people arriving for grievances or 3020a arbitration sign in. Today, May 10, 2011, about eight people were sitting in this room in addition to me and the respondent of the case in which I am assisting the private lawyer as his paralegal, when an incident involving this very machine occurred that is too good not to pass on.
The backstory is, as I have written previously, since 2003 how I have sat in on public hearings of tenured teachers when asked by the respondent tenured employee to do so, and I have observed the lawyers, witnesses, arbitrators, and guests. No one has ever paid me to be there, so my mountains of material written about the 3020-a process in New York City is my material and mine alone.
I have helped teachers calm down - teachers should be in the classroom and not on trial - and helped investigate Principals, Assistant Principals, and any other administrator as to what they are doing in their schools - for example, complying with federal special education laws, financial recordkeeping, harassment, etc. Someone has to do it and hold these people accountable for their actions. I do that. I look at their collaborators too (non-administrators who help the bad guys/gals) .
The personnel of the New York City Department of Education Administrative Trials Unit and TPU hate me for my diligence in appearing 2-4 times per week, and staying all day until the last word has been said. Almost all NYSUT Attorneys no longer speak with me even to say hello, because of my research into cases they have lost. In fact, when I worked for the UFT part-time, (I no longer work for the UFT) Leroy Barr, Ellie Engler and Gary Sprung told me to stop attending hearings at 51 Chambers Street because "this was bad for them". As I had a clause in my agreement to continue doing whatever I had done in the past in my own time, I gently told the UFT that as the members were being tortured at the 3020-a, someone had to be there to protect the members' due process rights, so I just kept going whenever asked. The issue that I will be addressing in the future is the possible collusion of the UFT and NYSUT with The Gotcha Squad at 3020-a hearings. But for now, I have my trusty disposable pen (at TD Bank, they are free!), and I like pads that have graph paper instead of lines. Why, I dont know. And no, Theresa (Europe), I never have brought a tape recorder to the hearings even though in New York State it is legal to secretly tape anyone with whom I am in a conversation.
I am, of course, writing a book.
All the people who work for the Gotcha Squad now or in the past have a very good chance of appearing in my book, but one person is definitely going to be in there: NYC Department Attorney Victor Muallem. I have sat in on several hearings where Victor was the DOE Attorney. In my opinion, he is one of the most incompetent attorneys I have seen, and the DOE does dig their attorneys up from the bottom of the barrel. I have asked many people why Victor acts like he owns the place, and everyone there simply shrugs and says that that's the way things are. Same with Ms. Sylvia Cheeks, who assigns hearing rooms. If she catches you in a hallway and you look like you dont know what is going on, Sylvia will tell you you have to sit in the waiting room (see picture above), sorry. According to sources she has no title, but took on this role because she can now tell people where to go. Literally.
So, lets get back to this morning, May 10, 2011. I arrived early like I usually do, around 9:30AM for a 10 o'clock start time for the teacher's hearing. The teacher showed up and we, I as the paralegal, started going over the documents that were going to be used in the hearing at which Assistant Principal Francine Palmer-Mullings would be testifying today about how this math teacher was criminally incompetent and must be terminated. About a month ago more than half the school walked out in protest of this teacher's removal Fordham Leadership Academy For Business and Technology located in the Bronx, but AP Palmer-Mullings remembered none of that. She did not see all the students wearing t-shirts with this teacher's name on them, either. Nope, totally zoned out of everything except that this teacher must be terminated. Palmer-Mullings has quite a few skeletons in her closet, but the DOE Attorney on this case, Ms. Dilia Travieso, objected strongly to Arbitrator Roy Watanabe whenever any of that was brought in. (In Watanabe's favor, he did allow testimony about Palmer-Mullings being found guilty of pocketing $7000 that belonged to the robotics club, substantiated by Special Commissioner of Investigation or SCI. (Now we'll see whether Watanabe allows the issue of her taking excessive per session pay or not, and whether she was on more than one budget line at the school, and even whether she has a green Card).
So, there I and the teacher were, looking through documents in preparation for cross examination of Palmer-Mullings by the teacher's Attorney, who put me in the record as his paralegal, and Watanabe accepted this. The teacher needed a few pages copied, so I went over to the copy machine (the one in the picture at the top) and put the papers in the feeder and pressed start.
The new receptionist (she has been in her job a few months, Monday-wednesday) came up behind me and told me that the copy machine was only for lawyers, and I could not use it because I am not an attorney. I asked her if this was a new policy, and if it was written down, but all she knew was that I had to move away, pronto. That was news, as I and everyone else have used this machine since it appeared I believe in September. I nicely told her that I was assisting the attorney in the 3020-a as his paralegal, and he needed the papers. She left the room, I finished one set, and went back to the far end of the room to sit down next to the teacher.
Suddenly, everyone in the room jumped out of their chairs as round little Victor Muallem came running into the area screaming at the top of his lungs (well, I dont know that for a fact, but he was VERY loud),
"if THAT woman (pointing his outstretched arm and finger at me) uses the copy machine, or tries to use it, I will call security and have her escorted out of the building."
He was so mad that he was shaking with rage. The room was completely silent (although I admit to giggling). If I had not been part of the teacher's team at the 3020-a hearing on for today, I would have possibly told Victor that I saw no written policy, and therefore would use the machine until a written policy was produced. But I knew that Victor would escort me out with security and then I would have some media coverage for being thrown out of 51 Chambers street for using - or attempting to use - the copy machine on the sixth floor (is it public funds that pays for the upkeep and buys the paper???), but I'll have to get thrown out on another day - specially set up with the proper cameras outside to catch everything.
Victor is serious about throwing people out. The teacher whose hearing was today wanted to talk to his previous attorney at the beginning of his hearing, and they both went into an empty small room to discuss the case. Victor found them and screamed that they must leave immediately, the rooms belong to the Department and cannot be used by anyone else (the teacher is still an employee). The lawyer said that he wanted to stay, to discuss the case, and Victor called security and had the lawyer escorted downstairs and out of the building. From that day on, the Attorney was not allowed upstairs to the sixth floor without a security guard with him. He withdrew from the case and told the teacher to resign.
This is how they run things at The Gotcha Squad.
Gary - thanks for your help.
Betsy Combier
The backstory is, as I have written previously, since 2003 how I have sat in on public hearings of tenured teachers when asked by the respondent tenured employee to do so, and I have observed the lawyers, witnesses, arbitrators, and guests. No one has ever paid me to be there, so my mountains of material written about the 3020-a process in New York City is my material and mine alone.
I have helped teachers calm down - teachers should be in the classroom and not on trial - and helped investigate Principals, Assistant Principals, and any other administrator as to what they are doing in their schools - for example, complying with federal special education laws, financial recordkeeping, harassment, etc. Someone has to do it and hold these people accountable for their actions. I do that. I look at their collaborators too (non-administrators who help the bad guys/gals) .
The personnel of the New York City Department of Education Administrative Trials Unit and TPU hate me for my diligence in appearing 2-4 times per week, and staying all day until the last word has been said. Almost all NYSUT Attorneys no longer speak with me even to say hello, because of my research into cases they have lost. In fact, when I worked for the UFT part-time, (I no longer work for the UFT) Leroy Barr, Ellie Engler and Gary Sprung told me to stop attending hearings at 51 Chambers Street because "this was bad for them". As I had a clause in my agreement to continue doing whatever I had done in the past in my own time, I gently told the UFT that as the members were being tortured at the 3020-a, someone had to be there to protect the members' due process rights, so I just kept going whenever asked. The issue that I will be addressing in the future is the possible collusion of the UFT and NYSUT with The Gotcha Squad at 3020-a hearings. But for now, I have my trusty disposable pen (at TD Bank, they are free!), and I like pads that have graph paper instead of lines. Why, I dont know. And no, Theresa (Europe), I never have brought a tape recorder to the hearings even though in New York State it is legal to secretly tape anyone with whom I am in a conversation.
I am, of course, writing a book.
All the people who work for the Gotcha Squad now or in the past have a very good chance of appearing in my book, but one person is definitely going to be in there: NYC Department Attorney Victor Muallem. I have sat in on several hearings where Victor was the DOE Attorney. In my opinion, he is one of the most incompetent attorneys I have seen, and the DOE does dig their attorneys up from the bottom of the barrel. I have asked many people why Victor acts like he owns the place, and everyone there simply shrugs and says that that's the way things are. Same with Ms. Sylvia Cheeks, who assigns hearing rooms. If she catches you in a hallway and you look like you dont know what is going on, Sylvia will tell you you have to sit in the waiting room (see picture above), sorry. According to sources she has no title, but took on this role because she can now tell people where to go. Literally.
So, lets get back to this morning, May 10, 2011. I arrived early like I usually do, around 9:30AM for a 10 o'clock start time for the teacher's hearing. The teacher showed up and we, I as the paralegal, started going over the documents that were going to be used in the hearing at which Assistant Principal Francine Palmer-Mullings would be testifying today about how this math teacher was criminally incompetent and must be terminated. About a month ago more than half the school walked out in protest of this teacher's removal Fordham Leadership Academy For Business and Technology located in the Bronx, but AP Palmer-Mullings remembered none of that. She did not see all the students wearing t-shirts with this teacher's name on them, either. Nope, totally zoned out of everything except that this teacher must be terminated. Palmer-Mullings has quite a few skeletons in her closet, but the DOE Attorney on this case, Ms. Dilia Travieso, objected strongly to Arbitrator Roy Watanabe whenever any of that was brought in. (In Watanabe's favor, he did allow testimony about Palmer-Mullings being found guilty of pocketing $7000 that belonged to the robotics club, substantiated by Special Commissioner of Investigation or SCI. (Now we'll see whether Watanabe allows the issue of her taking excessive per session pay or not, and whether she was on more than one budget line at the school, and even whether she has a green Card).
So, there I and the teacher were, looking through documents in preparation for cross examination of Palmer-Mullings by the teacher's Attorney, who put me in the record as his paralegal, and Watanabe accepted this. The teacher needed a few pages copied, so I went over to the copy machine (the one in the picture at the top) and put the papers in the feeder and pressed start.
The new receptionist (she has been in her job a few months, Monday-wednesday) came up behind me and told me that the copy machine was only for lawyers, and I could not use it because I am not an attorney. I asked her if this was a new policy, and if it was written down, but all she knew was that I had to move away, pronto. That was news, as I and everyone else have used this machine since it appeared I believe in September. I nicely told her that I was assisting the attorney in the 3020-a as his paralegal, and he needed the papers. She left the room, I finished one set, and went back to the far end of the room to sit down next to the teacher.
Suddenly, everyone in the room jumped out of their chairs as round little Victor Muallem came running into the area screaming at the top of his lungs (well, I dont know that for a fact, but he was VERY loud),
"if THAT woman (pointing his outstretched arm and finger at me) uses the copy machine, or tries to use it, I will call security and have her escorted out of the building."
He was so mad that he was shaking with rage. The room was completely silent (although I admit to giggling). If I had not been part of the teacher's team at the 3020-a hearing on for today, I would have possibly told Victor that I saw no written policy, and therefore would use the machine until a written policy was produced. But I knew that Victor would escort me out with security and then I would have some media coverage for being thrown out of 51 Chambers street for using - or attempting to use - the copy machine on the sixth floor (is it public funds that pays for the upkeep and buys the paper???), but I'll have to get thrown out on another day - specially set up with the proper cameras outside to catch everything.
Victor is serious about throwing people out. The teacher whose hearing was today wanted to talk to his previous attorney at the beginning of his hearing, and they both went into an empty small room to discuss the case. Victor found them and screamed that they must leave immediately, the rooms belong to the Department and cannot be used by anyone else (the teacher is still an employee). The lawyer said that he wanted to stay, to discuss the case, and Victor called security and had the lawyer escorted downstairs and out of the building. From that day on, the Attorney was not allowed upstairs to the sixth floor without a security guard with him. He withdrew from the case and told the teacher to resign.
This is how they run things at The Gotcha Squad.
Gary - thanks for your help.
Betsy Combier
For the hapless victim teacher, the entire proceeding is really an excruciating miscarriage of justice! It is legalized crime and a set-up orchestrated by these conspiratorial entities. It is unbelievable how callous and irresponsible these evil-minded people are and the depths of spiritual decadence they have wilfully abscribed their hearts to.
Betsy is an oasis for these teachers who have no more caring an advocate than she and I certainly will emulate her in making myself available on my summer vacation days to these victim teachers to support them in the absence of any help in the hellish kangaroo court that they find themselves subjected to.
The money is earmarked for improved instruction, incentives, smaller class size and was earned fair and square through hard work and distinguished leadership, which was notably negated, unhealthy and stuttering because these suits do not take kindly to folks who actually take their work seriously; they just the work from them. And all the credit for our success
Our union began to betray us soon after the little dictator took over. I refused to take part in the strikes, which were very badly timed, not mention petty in light of what other state workers and we ourselves now confront. I forsaw my future, and when overloading me with students and accountability backfired because the kids were hip to the harassment, the tensions that thick, the attacks are that blatant, and I have wonder why no one asks them about teacher quality, about how they learn, and the role models they have that are bullies.
These fools, the teachers I reported, the principle and a self righteous white woman who drives her Jaguar into poor school parking with a bumper sticker in the window urging us to vote against gay marriage.
She's in charge of sexual harassment, discriminations, ethics, laws and that politically correct stuff these people play very fast and loose with. She is the AP I went to about a notoriously abusive teacher--in administrator inner circle after a career provoking their ire--who made a student in labor finish her exam before allowing her to go to the hospital. When the girl insisted she was in pain and afraid, the teacher said she could be excused but she would not pass the term therefore she would not graduate this violates policy any school affords a child in need of medical care, it is also against state laws, and unconscionable that anyone would abuse a child and her baby so recklessly.
I know this happened because 8 students came to me with the same tale, which the AP confirmed, stating the girl and she spoke. She told me the girl was all right with this and she appeared to be fine with it too. Well, until I emailed her a copy of the state laws protecting pregnant students rights.
These four people and a poor bullied colleague unable to hear, not very articulate and scare shitless, said I had told him once I would not mind if the abusive teavher was dead. She was fabricating these tall tale of me assaulting her in a meeting with 30 people, hurting my students, who we shared, and imposing herself on my space with aggressive purpose.
By the time they sent me to our district jail, my panic attacks were debilitating it's been a year and a few months and last week I could not bring myself to face the place because I am rattling their cages with Lenny and our Perdaily cohort.
But I will not stand down I am almost 50, a single mom, and my credential is being used to intimidate and silence me. I am behind in my mortgage, developing a full blown Joan of Arc complex and obsessed with the public education reform.
I find myself following in your footsteps. Supporting
Teachers, documenting events, all too aware the satire is writing itself. I could use a few pointers, just off the top of your head as you clearly have astute instincts. How do I proceed? What do I need to know? I testified for one sister teacher a couple of months ago. It was quite as absurd as your anecdote but it was similar in tone. The lawyer did not rattle me; fheoric with him is what I call RikiTiki Tavi Cute furry creature takes the snake down because it underestimates her cunning
However, there are financial concerns. It is unlikely I will teach in public schools and can do adjunct gigs at colleges to get by. How aggressive and apt are these sociopaths ?