From the desk of Betsy Combier, Editor:
I and my twin sister Jill grew up in the world of politics - our dad was Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York under Louis Lefkowitz - and I also have the fortunate position of parent to my oldest daughter Sari, who was close friends in nursery school with Whitney, the adopted daughter of Judy and Bruce Nathan. Judy then divorced Bruce and married Rudy Giuliani to become Judy Giuliani. Judy wants to be wife to The Most Important Person in New York. In my opinion, she doesn't care who that person is, as long as she has position Number 1.

D'Amato In Shady Bank Deal
By Roger Stone
D'Amato: Shady
Speaking of bail-outs we learn that $120 million of TARP cash went a New York bank who didn't need the money, a bank whose board includes former Senator Alfonse D'Amato. The Signature bank has no toxic assets and its capital ratios are among the highest in the private bank business. The bank's CEO was paid $1.4 million in 2007. Salaries and benefits for bank executives have risen from $15 million to almost $20 million from 2007 to 2008. Did D'Amato pull string to get the bank TARP funds it really didn't need while other institutions are crumbling?

Now D'Amato, who has raised over $250,000 for Democratic New York Governor David Paterson, is trying to maneuver former Long Island Congressman Rick Lazio, (pictured at right) who raised and spent an amazing $48 Million to lose to Senator Hillary Clinton, into the race for Governor as the Republican candidate. That way no matter who loses lobbyist and fixer D'Amato wins.

D'Amato's move is to block his longtime nemesis Rudy Giuliani, who speaks of running for Governor but will never really trade the fashionable boites of Manhattan for dingy Albany.
[His wife Judy would not let him - Betsy Combier]