I guess everyone knows that you do not have to use NYSUT to defend at 3020-a. Right?
You can use a private Attorney and team, use a friend/advocate as your assistant, or you can do the 3020-a yourself "Pro se"
My email address is betsy.combier@gmail.com, you can contact me to ask questions about how 3020-a arbitration works.
Thus you should find out what you need to know by seeking information on your own. A person brought to 3020-a arbitration is given paperwork with Education Law 3020-a when they are charged. Few read it. Everyone should, but teachers seldom are lawyers too, so they rely on their NYSUT Attorney to tell them what it says.
That's a mistake.
Why is it a mistake? Because your Union, the UFT, and the NYSUT lawyers contracted to protect your due process rights at 3020-a, neglect to do that. For example, if you are charged with misconduct, you may get an email from Virginia Lopreto, a criminal attorney who works on contract to NYSUT. If you actually get to speak with Ms. Lopreto you are lucky. She will tell OSI, SCI, OEO that you refuse to speak with any of them, and then you will never hear from her. Here is a letter written by a member who had that experience (I have removed the name of the member, because victim's names are not important):
"Dear Ms. LoPreto:
My name is ( to you because
you never got my name right). My case was assigned to you because I am a UFT
member who has been a victim of a false accusation. I received an email sent by
your secretary, which was a copy of the email you sent to Ron Vance, from the
SCI. The second and last email that you
sent to me was a copy of an email you sent to Mr. Vance, stating that I have
the right not to answer his questions. After that, I called your office several
times with questions that were never answered. In fact, I could never get in
touch with you either by phone or in person. You didn't offer me any support,
knowing that I didn’t even have knowledge of the accusations leveled against me.
I felt very uncomfortable when told by Mr. Vance, at the time that he had been
trying to get my declaration over the phone without legal representation or
witness, that if the UFT lawyer will
tell me not to provide information to him, that he would end up closing my
case. I wanted to share that with you and I needed some of my questions
answered, but it never happen. On May 14, I received the report of the
investigation and a letter from the superintendent on May 23rd. I faxed both those
documents to you. I called your office seeking advice on what to do next and
you never even returned my calls. I kept calling until a substitute to your
secretary called me back and said that you were not going to continue with my
case and that if I wanted to proceed I just needed to go back to the UFT, something
you did not even have the decency to tell me
directly. I asked him if he could send an email stating your decision and he
replied that you were not going to send me anything.
In sum, I really didn't appreciate your treatment. It is not
you not proceeding with the case that is particularly troublesome, but you not
even bothering to show due respect and consideration to people without whom you
wouldn’t even be here. You work for the union because we make it possible for
you to get a salary, and there is just no room or excuse for your lack of
courtesy to people you have moral, professional, and ethical obligation to
I cannot even say it was a pleasure meeting you because you
did not even make that possible."See an email from NYSUT Attorney Paul Brown, to a client who fired him when she received this:
"From: Paul Brown <pbrown@nysutmail.org>
Sent: Wed, 2013
Subject: Re: - WITNESSES
I have an ethical obligation not to put on witnesses that I believe will be damaging to your case. I have confirmed with one of my supervisors and with several colleagues at my office that the witnesses you suggested will offer little, if any, substantive value and will open the door to many more potential problems. .....
Please call me should you have any further questions.
Paul K. Brown
Paul K. Brown
New York State United Teachers
Below is the Education Law 3020-a (1) and (2)(a):
NY CLS Educ § 3020-a
§ 3020-a. Disciplinary procedures and penalties
1. Filing of charges. All charges against a person enjoying the benefits of tenure as provided in subdivision three of section [fig 1] eleven hundred two, and sections [fig 2] twenty-five hundred nine, [fig 3] twenty-five hundred seventy-three, twenty-five hundred ninety-j, three thousand twelve and three thousand fourteen of this chapter shall be in writing and filed with the clerk or secretary of the school district or employing board during the period between the actual opening and closing of the school year for which the employed is normally required to serve. Except as provided in subdivision eight of section [fig 4] twenty-five hundred seventy-three and subdivision seven of section twenty-five hundred ninety-j of this chapter, no charges under this section shall be brought more than three years after the occurrence of the alleged incompetency or misconduct, except when the charge is of misconduct constituting a crime when committed.
2. Disposition of charges.
a. Upon
receipt of the charges, the clerk or secretary of the school district or
employing board shall immediately notify said board thereof. Within five days
after receipt of charges, the employing board, in executive session, shall
determine, by a vote of a majority of all the members of such board, whether
probable cause exists to bring a disciplinary proceeding against an employee
pursuant to this section. If such determination is affirmative, a written
statement specifying [i] the
charges in detail, [ii] the
maximum penalty which will be imposed by the board if the employee does not
request a hearing or that will be sought by the board if the employee is found
guilty of the charges after a hearing and [fig 1] [iii] the
employee's rights under this section, shall be immediately forwarded to the
accused employee by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested or
by personal delivery to the employee.
"To all:
As a paralegal and a non-Attorney, I attended an all-day seminar on School Law held at the Sheraton Hotel on Thursday, October 25, 2007. The seminar was part of the New York State School Boards Association conference.
The book that all participants received describes Open Meetings Law and the requirement that all Executive Sessions of a public body be voted on in a full meeting, and minutes are taken during the subsequent Executive Session where a majority votes on probable cause.
Therefore, all the votes taken and teachers terminated by a vote of the PEP members in Executive Session over the past 5 years are contrary to the law. The NYC BOE has required all persons interested in obtaining a copy of the tape of each meeting to file a Freedom of Information request, therefore the NYC BOE has substantiated the belief that the PEP is a public body. A powerless one, as Michael Best wrote to me “The PEP has no administrative or executive functions”.
Further news distressing to anyone in the New York City school district (NYC and boroughs) who would like to have any voice at all in creating policy or deciding complaints/issues: New York City has the largest school system in the nation, but was not represented at the NYSSBA conference. The only attendees listed from NYC Area 13 were me and Michael Best, a presenter of the “Contract For Excellence” session. Two other people from NYC (who kindly sat next to me at my table) were Ms. Judy Nathan and Ms. Courtenaye Jackson-Chase, both listed as “Attorney” for the NYC BOE.
We thus have a quasi-legal system set up to prevent any opposition to a resolution/vote/consent set by the Mayor/Mr. Klein.........
We have no right to get an independent decision on any complaints we may have, as everyone making decisions on grievances/special education hearings belong to Joel and Mike.
Gosh, how could we get in this position?"
David Bloomfield answered with Open Meetings Law, Sections 105 and 106
In fact, if you look at the Notice of Determination of Probable Cause (paperwork sent to all teachers/employees charged with 3020-a), the date of the Executive Session at which probable cause was voted on, is blank. I posted the probable cause notice received by Francesco Portelos with his permission. There is no date for the Executive Session listed. Superintendent Erminio Claudia
![]() |
Superintendent Cludia |
testified at Francesco's 3020-a that there WAS an "Executive Session", namely when she met with "legal" on Francesco's case and they "found" probable cause for his charges. I would suggest that this meeting is not what is cited in the law, Open Meetings Law, or 3020-a(2)(a). Where did she get this version?
So in all cases brought to 3020-a arbitration, probable cause is determined improperly. Without the proper determination of probable cause according to Education Law 3020-a (1) and (2)(a), arbitrators appointed to hear 3020-a cases have no subject matter jurisdiction to decide on whether there is Just Cause for any penalty.
This is what NYSUT doesn't want you to know. In fact, your NYSUT attorney may rush you into a pre-hearing and then a full hearing/resignation/retirement/fine and settlement without any time to discuss the charges against you. NYSUT states in letters to those who opt to hire a private attorney or advocate, or do the 3020-a themselves:
"...changes to the Education Law negotiated by the UFT and the Board supercede the statutory provisions. Even though you are not utilizing NYSUT legal counsel, your case must be processed pursuant to the disciplinary procedures negotiated by the UFT and the Board. You do not have the right for your case to go forward pursuant to the Educational Law as it exists without the negotiated changes contained in Article 21 (G).(scroll to p. 113)."
No mention of probable cause found as required by Education Law 3020-a. But NYSUT isn't saying that the Law isn't there, just that you cannot use it for your case.
This is, in my thinking, the biggest error of NYSUT representation. Because without a probable cause determination in an Executive Session of the employing board, and a vote by a majority of members, you are left with anyone "finding" probable cause, and charging you with something that may or may not be true. The arbitrator hears only what the NYC DOE wants him/her to hear.
But arbitrators on the NYC permanent panel are paid $1400/day, and if they agree that probable cause has not been properly determined they wont get paid. So the arbitrators deny the dismissal of the case on any grounds, or there will be no payment coming their way.
Teacher discipline and termination are what the Department of Education calls "their business". It's not only a business, it's a partnership. With NYSUT and the UFT.