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Friday, December 19, 2014

NYC DOE Community and High School Superintendents

All superintendents perform statutory duties for each school, including appointing principals in district schools, acting as rating officer for principals in the district, approving teacher tenure decisions, and approving school budgets. They also support communities by communicating with parent associations, liaising with Community Education Councils (CECs) and the Citywide Council of High Schools (CCHS), and supervising District and Borough Family Advocates.

To learn the name of the Superintendent of a specific school, please visit the NYCDOE School Search (in the center of our home page) and type in the name of the school.  You will then be directed to the link of the school’s website.  When you open the school’s website, the name and office phone number of the Superintendent will be listed in the right margin under “School Details”.

Community Superintendents Community Superintendents supervise the principals of elementary and middle schools in each school district. There are 32 Community Superintendents (one for each community school district), and they supervise District Family Advocates.


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