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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Good Public Policy Means Getting All ATRs Permanent Positions

I think one of the most surprising public policy events of the past 14 years or so in New York City is that there is a total lack of an effective, well-planned strategy for educating children and young adults in the nation's largest public school system. The changing curriculums every other year, the Renewal School Movement, the discipline code which targeted minority special education children, the suspension hearings' scam, even the "no cell phones allowed" racist policy, none of these worked yet all were supported as the next golden rule that would change everything for the better.

How is it possible that a group of highly educated, very intelligent people - the Mike Bloombergs and Joel Kleins of the world - could create such a complete mess as the ATR pool? And, on top of this grave error, take a stand that this was good for anyone, whether it be the kids, their parents, or staff in the schools?

Making kids suffer for teachers no one wants

The ATR boondoggle stinks and everyone who hears about it agrees with that assessment. I urge all readers of this blog to see that the media is full of Fake News on the subject of ATRs, yet no one, not Mike Bloomberg, not Joel Klein, Bill De Blasio, nor Carmen Farina, has apologized or been held accountable for the massive misuse of taxpayer money.

Give every person with the title "ATR" a permanent position and revise the evaluation and rating processes to make them more realistic and fair, then let all employees sink or swim. The "good" (effective) educators and Guidance Counselors will naturally rise to the top. Reward these people for hard work, respect everyone, and lead those who can't handle teaching into another profession. Its called retraining, not draining the swamp.

My bet is that intelligence is not as useful as common sense.

Betsy Combier
Editor, Advocatz
Editor, NYC Rubber Room Reporter
Editor, New York Court Corruption
Editor, National Public Voice
Editor, NYC Public Voice
Editor, Inside 3020-a Teacher Trials

Ridding Schools of the Bloomberg/Klein Toxicity: Ending the Absent Teacher Reserve Pool in New York City is Long Overdue

The 74 is a national online education website co-founded by Campbell Brown, a former news anchor and virulent enemy of teacher unions, supporter of charter schools and Betsy; it is an advocacy website masquerading as a an informational site.
I was not surprised when a post by Dan Weisberg, former Joel Klein soldier popped up on the 74 site.  Weisberg currently leads TNTP, a not-for-profit that has consistently attacked teacher tenure and teacher assessment. The post, “Paying Teachers Not to Teach is Absurd – but Reviving NYC’s Dance of the Lemons Hurts Kids,” sounds like one of the endless press releases from the Bloomberg-Klein machine. Klein, an attorney, surrounded himself with attorneys, and we know what Shakespeare said about lawyers . Klein and Weisberg and company portrayed themselves as “disrupters,” changing the system by breaking down and rebuilding  from scratch, by creating chaos and building a new system from the ground up. After a dozen years of disruptive change the administration succeeded in disruption and failed to ensure positive change. The whirlwind of policy change after policy change alienated principals and teachers and confused the public.
On the eve of the 2013 mayoral election Sol Stern, in a City Journal essay offering advice to the new mayor wrote,
The public, for its part, remains dissatisfied with Gotham’s schools, according to a poll of city voters commissioned by the Manhattan Institute and conducted earlier this year by Zogby Analytics ….  New Yorkers now trust the oft-maligned teachers more than they trust the mayor’s office: almost half of all respondents said that teachers should “play the largest role in determining New York City’s education policy,” compared with 28 percent who thought that the mayor-appointed schools chancellor should.
A little background: for decades a few hundred teachers were excessed at the end of a school year, some schools had reduced registers, other schools had increasing registers. The excess teachers were placed in schools with vacancies, The contract Excessing Rules provided an orderly transition since the first contracts in the early sixties.
Another section of the contract provided for Seniority Transfers, half of all vacancies, vacancies were defined as open positions due to retirement or resignation, not leaves of absence, and posted in the Spring, In the early nineties a school approached the union with a plan, exempt the school from seniority transfers and a school committee made up of a majority of teachers would select new hires. The union agreed and after a few years the process was embedded in the contract. By the Bloomberg ascension 60% of schools had opted for what became known as the School-Based Option Staffing and Transfer Plan.
In the article referenced above Weisberg, with obvious pride, reports that he led the part of the negotiations that eliminated seniority transfers and established the Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) pool.
The union was pushing for the SBO Staffing/Transfer Plan to replace the seniority transfer plan – it was easy to agree to the Open Market employment system – any teacher could move to any school with the approval of the receiving school; basically all teachers became “free agents” at the end of every school year. Thousands upon thousands of teachers change school every year, and, the movement is commonly from high poverty, lower achieving schools to higher achieving schools.
The evidence is clear, teacher mobility damages high poverty, low-achieving schools, In “Teacher Quality and Teacher Mobility, Li Feng and Tim Sass (February, 2011) conclude,
The most effective teachers who transfer tend to go to schools whose faculties are in the top quartile of teacher quality. Teacher mobility exacerbates differences in teacher quality across schools.
Numerous studies come to the same conclusion,
Hamilton Langford and others, “Explaining the Short Career of High-Achieving Teachers in Schools with Low-Performing Students,” (January, 2004),
Low achieving students often are taught by the least qualified teachers, these disparities begin when teachers take their first jobs and in urban areas they are worsened by teacher subsequent decisions to transfer and quit. Such quits and transfers increase disparities …  more qualified teachers are substantially more likely to leave schools having the lowest achieving students 
The long established seniority transfer plan required five years of service before a transfer – now annual “free agency,” the “disrupters” harmed the most vulnerable schools.
Weisberg, et. al., also are proud of the Absent Teacher Reserve (ATR) pool, actually an attempt to rid the system is “bad teachers,” or maybe senior teachers, or maybe union activists or maybe simply to show the union and teachers who really was in charge.
The number of U-ratings under Klein/Weisberg escalated dramatically, close to 3% of teacher received unsatisfactory ratings. The appeals were a sham, the Department was judge and jury. Accusations of misconduct, defined as any conduct the principal thought was inappropriate, conduct that in prior years might result in a letter of reprimand now resulted in a trip to the infamous “rubber room.”. Eventually the teacher was dumped into the ATR pool; of the small number of teachers who were brought up on charges the vast percentage were exonerated or paid a fine and were returned to the ATR pool. The aim was to convince the legislature to change the law and require the teachers in the ATR pool for more than six months would be laid off. The union successfully defended seniority layoff rules.
Under the new teacher assessment law, based on principal observation and student growth scores, the number of ineffective ratings shrunk to pre-Bloomberg numbers.
The deBlasio-Farina Department has announced that ATRs would fill vacancies occurring after October 15th, and, if they received effective or highly effective ratings under the matrix teacher evaluation law, would be fully absorbed into schools, ending a toxic policy and saving the school system perhaps $100 million a year.
The “March of the Lemons” referenced by Weisberg should not refer to the teachers, it should refer to the “disrupters.” would soured the school system.
Additionally, the Department should consider:
* Creating an inspectorate, a group of principals who can observe ATRs who principals think are moving towards an ineffective rating. In the pre-Bloomberg days it was commonplace for the superintendent to observe teachers in their last year of probation.
* Open Market transfers require five years of service in a school to be eligible for transfer, not the current annual “free agency.”
Renewal and Focus/Priority schools should be given a window prior to all other schools to hire staff – perhaps six or eight weeks before all other schools could commence hiring.
Each and every year the New York City school system has to hire 3-4,000 new teachers due to teacher attrition – about 40% of teachers leave within five years, and, in the neediest schools the percentage is far higher.
Susan Moore Johnson, at the Next Generation of Teachers project at Harvard published research findings, “Finders and Keepers: Helping New Teachers Survive and Thrive in Our Schools, (March , 2004), as well as continuing their research into the issue.
Unfortunately little of the research has translated into policies within school districts and schools.
Good riddance to the ATR pool, and, lets help teachers who need assistance and support our new teachers.
Healing and supporting makes a lot more sense than disrupting and angering.


Anonymous said...

In private sector, if a manager makes a policy that costs the firm multi-millions of $ they didn't need to spend, they are fired. In NYC, when Bloomberg created the ATR debacle, he gets accolades for reforming the system.

Anonymous said...

He's wasting our tax dollars and there's no checks and balances.

NV said...

Well said, Betsy!

As you may remember, I was placed as an ATR two years ago by a hellish Principal who simply wanted to get rid of me and this made sense to her. She disliked the fact that I was verbal and didn't fall for her misuse of student resources and the fact that, quite honestly, I was more knowledgeable than she was in many areas. Even after expressing the fact that if I had wanted to become an administrator I would have done so many years back, she simply couldn't stand anyone else having an idea, usually, better ideas than what she could come up with. She couldn't really get me in the classroom so she created other ways to support her decision to make me an ATR.

There were two other senior teachers she also had issues with and one she rated Ineffective three years in a row and the other was excessed and he later decided to retire.

Luckily for me, I only lasted two months as an ATR because I didn't belong there and other principals knew this. I was offered two positions while I floated from school to school. In November, I received an email from a school I had always wanted to work at but had never applied to.
I was hired sight unseen.

It was perfect!

The new administrator turned out to be not only a supportive person with real emotions but an administrator who only saw the positive in her teachers and helped them with their needs. She said to me when I rated Effective and Highly Effective in my observations, "I know you're dying to send these to her. Forget her... She does not need to know that you even think about her."

I was so happy to be at my new school and saw my placement in the ATR pool as a blessing in disguise!

The ATR pool, besides being a waste of tax-payer money, is a place for vindictive and inept administrators to place teachers who they feel are a threat to them and who will not stand for their lack of knowledge as educators and as administrators. Not only was this my case, but several of the ATRs I met had similar stories.

This ATR business is a scam! I don't foresee it being eliminated. Well, maybe rebranded. That is the BOE's MO. At least it has been since I entered the system, waaaay back in 1987. (You know what that translates to, more expensive and more money out of her budget that she couldn't play with...)

Betsy, keep illuminating the blind sheep that work in the BOE... I sometimes wonder if they truly don't know or just don't want to know.

With my deepest appreciation for all you have done for me and others,
Norma Vega